Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Therefore, slut

What Todd Akin said about pregnancy by rape has nothing to do with the women who are raped and everything to do with anti-abortion comfort zones.
Its easier to be "pro-life" when you can think of abortion-seeking women as ignorant, selfish or misguided sluts who can't be trusted to follow a moral code and don't deserve to be able to make any choices for themselves.
Its a lot harder to think this way when considering someone like Elizabeth Smart, say, or Jaycee Lee Dugard -- kidnapped, raped, brutalized.
But if you can believe that no woman who is "legitimately" raped can actually get pregnant, then it resolves the discontinuity. Regardless of what she says -- rape, incest, whatever -- if she gets pregnant then it was actually her own fault and therefore slut.
Problem solved.
UPDATE:  Keep digging, boys.

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